As the world becomes more and more unhealthy, medical bankruptcy becomes more likely as people fight to cure various diseases and ailments associated with their lifestyle. Unforeseen medical bills can also wreak havoc on individuals that are unable to work while they are seriously ill. This may also be the case for individuals who have health insurance. Medical bankruptcy may be treated with a bit more sympathy by some courts, depending on the situation of the individual.
Examples of Groups Filing for Medical Bankruptcy
People who are 65 and over are more likely to suffer from medical bankruptcy than younger and healthier age groups. It goes without saying that the body becomes more prone to illness the older that we get. This makes it inevitable that as we get older and can longer work to pay the bills, we may be faced with medical bankruptcy in the case of a serious illness, if we have not taken preventative measures prior to the diagnosis.
Another group which is likely to file for medical bankruptcy is that of young single mothers. If their spouses have abandoned them and their children, and do not pay any child support, the mother will be left to pay...