You can think of a prepaid credit card as a loaded gift card that is good just about anywhere. The functionality of a prepaid credit card is really quite simple. It acts just like a normal credit card except it has a limit to it. Once you load up your card, it will be good anywhere the brand is accepted. Each purchase will deduct from the overall total until you finally run the card out. Some prepaid cards are able to just be reloaded, but others will just be used up.
In this case you just have to buy a new one. There are many instances when it is just going to be far more convenient to use a regular credit card. Everyone should know that purchasing gas is much quicker if you can just pay at the pump. It is also not exactly a wise idea to carry hundreds of dollars in cash around with you.
The real question then just comes to why you should use a prepaid version. A prepaid credit card can be particularly handy for a wide variety of people. First, a prepaid card is great for a teenager who really needs to learn proper spending habits. Every parent should want their child to develop healthy spending habits that will greatly benefit them throughout their adult...