Its the end of the month, and youre writing another outrageously high payment to your mortgage company. As you sigh, you wonder whether your repayment amount is, in fact, TOO high, but then quickly remind yourself that if it is, youre locked in for the next couple of decades.
But wait! Before you resign yourself to a third of your life with your present mortgage company, have you ever considered taking out a remortgage
Basically, a remortgage allows you the opportunity to legally work with a new bank or financial institution to pay off your existing mortgage and refinance at a lower interest rate. Though youll have to pay some initial fees associated with the remortgage process, its possible to lower your monthly payments significantly, therefore allowing you to keep more of your hard earned money.
How are lenders able to offer such attractive remortgage packages The answer lies in our exciting, thriving, global economy. Because trade barriers have been broken as a result of the Internet, companies can now solicit consumers from across the globe. Thus, they can leverage economies of scale to offer lower than ever interest rates on remortgage...