To Much Credit Card Debt Can Spell Disaster For Your Finances.
Credit cards make it very easy to live in a society that promotes buy now and pay later. The are often misused as people have the means to be able to buy various items they dont really need. If this is a common practice in any household, the amount of credit card debt can quickly result in a disastrous situation on regards to credit.
While credit cards are very convenient to use they should be something you rely on for emergencies only. It is acceptable to use a credit card for all of your purchases throughout the month as long as you are disciplined about paying it off in full. The problem comes when the charges keep being incurred but the balances arent being taken care of. This can create a false sense of security that will cause financial problems for you if you dont take care of it right away.
The number of people that have turned to bankruptcy as a way to take care of their credit card debt has continued to rise in recent years. This shows that it is much easier to obtain credit you really shouldnt have than it is to pay it all back. Think about the amount of interest you have to pay on...