Truths Exposed – Things You Need To Know About Lost Money.
In 1999, the Montel Williams show aired a presentation about lost money. At first I thought that the subject of the show was money that someone previously had literally lost. The subject could have been funds squandered either through gambling or bad investments. Though, the show was about funds that many of us have and we simply dont know that we have it.
Chat show host Oprah Winfrey also had an interesting show on the topic of lost money. Oprah proved that people are not conscious of the missing funds by uniting seventy-thousand dollars in lost money to audience members. These audience members were pleasantly surprised to have the funds that were rightfully theirs. Further she went on to explain that hundreds of millions of dollars go unclaimed each year.
A great number of Americans have unclaimed property, or lost money, floating around in federal and state accounts. The unclaimed money or property alone has reached in excess of forty billion dollars in these institutions. Heres the interesting part. Nearly over five-hundred billion dollars are held up in both private and public...