The very idea of having a credit card yourself is enough a reason for sending shivers up you spine, let alone the thought of handing one over to your new college going son or daughter! You must have heard a lot from one group stating how beneficial having a credit card might prove to you and another group discouraging you to avail a credit card and stating its evils. The world of credit cards is undoubtedly filled with several hearsays and, to be honest, several may turn true. However, you can reap only the benefits of a credit card if you are equipped with the knowledge of how a credit card can harm your finance, by checking them at the very grass root level.
This becomes even more difficult while you are trying to decide on or not to give your ward a credit card guardian, and if yes, which one should be the best suited. Whichever you take and whatever you intend to do with your credit card, make sure you keep certain very crucial aspects in mind regarding the management of your credit card, especially when it concerns a new college goer. Know and understand the various benefits and dangers of student credit cards and the ways you can use it judiciously, in order to...