One of the many forms of insurance that you can take out to give you financial peace of mind in the event that something should happen to you is critical life insurance. This type of cover will pay out a lump sum should you be diagnosed with one of the illnesses outlined within the policy.
Critical illness insurance will pay out if you are diagnosed as having a pre-determined critical illness, there are a range of around serious illnesses which are now included in a policy such as this, but of course this will vary from company to company and the policy which is on offer, so you should always ensure you understand what your particular policy covers.
However the majority of policies do cover certain conditions which are classed as core or foundation conditions and these include cancer, heart attack, kidney failure, a major organ transplant, coronary heart by pass, multiple sclerosis and a stroke. However not all illnesses are covered and in fact recently, new rulings have been set out by the Association of British Insurers regarding which conditions can be claimed on.
Due to this it is imperative that you understand conditions which are excluded from...