Bills are piling up. Credit cards are screaming for attention, and youre not sure what you can do about it since your car expense needs to be paid. Utilities, food, and other bills are awaiting their turn as well. The bigger problem, however, is that your paycheck is nearly gone and, like most people, youre asking yourself where it all went.
Sometimes help is needed. After all, despite the financial stresses, we still need to pay our bills they don’t go away. And essential expenses, like homes, food, cars, or even college for yourself or your children force our hand. So what do you do? Though certainly not a cure-all, it’s time to write a personal budget to help reel in the expenses.
Make a list of your bills and order them by importance. Your house payment, for instance, is more important than a minimum payment to your credit card.
In preparation for putting together a budget, there are several expenses that need to be recognized as absolutely essential.
1. Mortgage/Rent. This is just about your most critical expense. If you dont pay this, then making your credit card payment will be the least of your concerns. Making sure that your...