If you have found yourself over your head with money and in need of credit repair, you may choose to go ahead and apply for credit counseling. Companies that offer this service will set individuals up with a payment plan to reduce their debt until it is paid off through methods such as credit consolidation. While these services may prove invaluable in restoring your financial integrity and gaining back a measure of control over your life, it is imperative that you apply for these services through an accredited, professional agency. There are many companies offering these services and you must choose the one best suited to your needs. Make sure that any companies you are looking into are accredited by a third party; that is, their services are recognized and endorsed by a second organization (non-affiliated!) that recognizes their high standards.
The Council on Accreditation and of Services for Families and Children, Inc., is probably the most well-known of the large number of organizations which debt counseling companies can be recognized by. Accreditation by the COA means that the agency is guaranteed to abide by the high standards set in the areas of volunteer Board...