Using A Low Interest Credit Card To Handle Your Finances
There is no question that a credit card has been a staple occupant of most wallets in America. You would rarely see long lines form in a cash only registry in groceries and other stores. Why use cash when credit cards are more convenient?
We all know the conveniences credit cards bring. We also know the pitfalls of abusing credit cards. But we just can’t live without them. So what we all do is try to regulate our spending and discipline ourselves in flipping them out of our wallets and handing them over to a cashier.
We may have our different methods and ways in avoiding huge credit card bills but there is still one sure fire way to make sure that we dont drown in credit card debt. It is common knowledge that if we only pay the minimum required amount to be paid in our monthly statement, we have to pay an interest on the remaining balance, which will be charged on your next bill.
So, it is but common sense that if the credit card company you subscribed to have high interest rates, then you are going top be charged more. So, the most common thing to do is to get a low interest credit...