In many instances debt consolidation carries a negative connotation. Viewed from a different perspective debt consolidation can be a very positive investment strategy that not only puts existing debts into a more manageable form but allows for positive investing.
Using several positive debt consolidation strategies can and will set your financial future up for long term success.
Using secured asset loans
Equity is one of the better ways to access investment and debt consolidation opportunities. The amount of money that has been paid toward an existing secured loan is capital waiting to be accessed for more lucrative investing strategies.
Depending on the increase in value of the secured loan collateral, the amount of capital available from an equity loan can be quite a bit more than the actual amount paid toward the original value of the secured collateral. Using this increase in value can let you take a loan against it for not only debt consolidation but for purchase of other investments.
Combining debt consolidation and investments
If an investment is part of your overall financial plan for an equity loan, perhaps a second home or...