If your debt situation is so critical that it requires immediate relief from all debts, big and small, you should consider a little-known federal law, the Wage Earner Plan, which although is administered by bankruptcy courts, it has nothing to do with bankruptcy. You can file the Wage Earner Plan which is provided for by federal law. This particular plan is not commonly known by the public. You can file this yourself without an attorney within two hours. If you feel that there is no way for you to catch up, you have sold about everything you could sell and borrowed from every possible source that you know, and your monthly bills are more than your monthly paycheck, then you may consider this Wage Earner Plan. You dont have to feel desperate any longer.
The Wage Earner Plan can be done all by your self for about $35.00 – $50.00. There is basically only one major requirement which is the debtor must be an individual whose major income is acquired from a salary or commission. It makes no difference if the income is $300 or $300,000 a year. Every person is eligible if they are employed. Under this Wage Earner Plan the court will give you up to 36 months to pay off...