He was 13 years old and needed his mother to give him some money for a new game that he wanted. He knew that he hadn’t been on his best behavior, yet he took the chance any way only to hear what he suspected his mother would say, No! He was upset and told other relatives about what he wanted, still to no avail, he didnt get it.
She was 47 years old and found that her car had needed significant work. She tried to save money repeatedly, but simply couldnt with the current income she was receiving. She finally made a decision to get another job, but that wouldnt leave her with much time to spend with her family. She needed an opportunity something she could begin right now, but what? With all the scams out there, she was too fearful so she stopped looking.
In both situations the bottom line is a need for money, too often people are faced with similar dilemmas. Some will do something about it, while others will just complain to everyone they know hoping someone will take pity. Hopefully that isn’t you!
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