When it comes to buying life insurance it is important that you purchase a policy that is suited to your needs and that of your family.
A policy will usually be bought through a broker or insurance agent and by purchasing this way, commission will normally be taken for your premium. This money is for the time that the broker will have spent finding you a suitable policy and for advising you on the type of insurance that is most suitable for you.
You are also able to buy an insurance policy through a financial advisor who will help you to select a policy while taking a set fee for doing so.
If you are in work and your employer has a scheme such as a group plan – which most big companies do have – then you can take your insurance through this, however this type of policy is for employees only and as such you would have to take separate insurance for the family if needed. The premiums taken for this type of insurance will normally be deducted from your wages and can often be considerably cheaper than taking your own cover.
If you take out a large loan, credit card or mortgage then sometimes lenders will offer life insurance alongside these...