If you are planning to apply for a personal loan, it is prudent to understand the kinds. This will enable you to find the best matched loan for you. There are secured and unsecured loans. It can definitely help you if you know what’s good and what’s not with the kind of loan you are planning to secure.
Short-term personal loans, secured personal loans, high-risk personal loans, student loans, military personal loans, auto loans, signature personal loans–all these are available to an individual who is looking to borrow money between one and five years. As of the moment, there are two kinds of loans for personal use.
Secured Loan: Here the loan involves the attachment of collateral–say, your property or any fixed/movable asset–against the sum of money borrowed. You risk losing your home should you fail on repayments.
Unsecured loan: There’s no need for any collateral if you’re borrowing an unsecured loan. However, you can anticipate for a higher interest rate because of the higher risk involved. Here, failure to make constant payments would see the lender fall back on the credit agreement and resort to legal claims to...