What To Look For In A Full Coverage Automobile Insurance Quote In Florida
Compared to most other states, Florida actually requires very little from its residents when it comes to the automobile insurance they are required to purchase if they wish to drive a vehicle on a public roadway in Florida.
If you have a good driving record you can legally drive your automobile in Florida if you purchase just $10,000 of Personal Injury Protection (PIP) coverage and another $10,000 in Property Damage Liability (PDL) coverage. If your driving record includes a crash or if you have gotten speeding or other tickets the state is allowed to force you to also buy Bodily Injury Liability (BIL) insurance before you can legally drive.
What does this minimum insurance cover? Not much, really.
Personal Injury Protection PIP coverage covers medical expenses for anyone in your vehicle if you are in a crash regardless of whose fault the accident is. If you’ve been to a doctor or spent even one night in a hospital or made even one visit to the ER in the past year then you know that $10,000 in insurance coverage will barely cover the cost of a scratch to someone’s...