What To Look For In A Full Coverage Automobile Insurance Quote In New Jersey
New Jersey, like almost every state in the Union, requires that its drivers purchase automobile insurance before they can take a vehicle onto any public roadway in the state. Anyone caught driving in New Jersey without insurance faces severe penalties as well as fines that can run into the hundreds or even thousands of dollars.
New Jersey requires its drivers to purchase far less insurance than many other states require of their drivers. In New Jersey the minimum insurance that any driver must purchase in order to legally drive is what is known as 15/30/5 plan, plus they are required to purchase Uninsured Motorist protection.
What this means is, a driver must purchase a Personal Injury Protection policy (known as a PIP Policy) that, at a minimum, provides $15,000 of medical protection for any individual in an accident with a maximum medical cap of $30,000 per accident, plus a driver must purchase a minimum of $5,000 in Liability (property) insurance that will repair or replace any vehicle or other property damaged in an accident. In addition, each driver must purchase Uninsured...