People acquire credit cards for different purposes. There are lots of uses a credit card could have a use for, so almost all people have credit cards.
Some will apply because it is a very convenient way of shopping goods anytime even without the cash.
To others, they apply credit cards simply because of the customer reward they get after purchases.
Some people would apply for a credit card because of the famous and juicy offerings by a certain credit card company, not to mention greater customer services and programs.
Other people apply for a credit card for the reason that the products they purchase will have protection from the credit card company. This usually is the case when something has happened with the item you have paid through the credit card and the credit card company will pay for the loss by reimbursing the amount.
Some people will have a credit card because it is the most convenient way to pay for online shopping. Online shopping can be the most convenient way of shopping to some people, especially to those who have not had time for going out to malls. Online shops usually charge their clients through credit cards....