A lot of credit card companies want you to think that their offer is a good one – without really offering you good features. For instance, this morning, a credit card offer came in the mail. After looking it over, it was rejected – because it lacked the “right features.” It would have been unwise to sign up for that card. If you are thinking about getting a credit card – or maybe another one, there are some reasons why you may not want to fill out the next application that comes to you in the mail. Here are some things you need to look for to see if it really is such a good deal.
The Interest Rate
The first reason that this credit card was not a good one was because there were no introductory interest rates on the card at all. It was just for one rate – 9.9%. All purchases came into that interest bracket. Many cards will give you a 0% interest rate as their introductory offer for up to 15 months. That means that you pay no interest on your purchases for up to one whole year, unless your payments are late, or if you allow a balance to be carried over to the next month.
This particular interest rate, while not bad, is...