It is common knowledge that American women, unlike European women, do not know how to accessorize. This is a shame, particularly for those who spend their creative talents making accessories such as hats, scarves, gloves and purses for every day use. Many people with an accessory design degree find themselves pandering to the European market.
While someone necessary does not need a degree to become a successful accessory designer, it is often helpful and will enable you to get your foot in the door of a fashion house that creates such designs. There are many people in the world who feel that they can create their own accessories using materials from the store. They sell their wares at flea markets and online outlets for a fraction of what a proper designer could get.
If you truly are serious about becoming an accessory designer and like working with fabric and designs but do not like the intricacy of designing actual clothing, you may enjoy working as an accessory designer. It is best to have an art degree to be successful in this field. In addition to allowing you to get a job in a fashion house that specializes in accessories, it will also enable you to learn...