Coffee roasters, like cappuccino makers, come in all varieties of sizes and shapes. You can spend up to almost a thousand odd dollars alone. However, price does not always mean quality. You should look for a reputable brand, but there other things you should consider.
We all loved chemistry at school. Remember the bubbling liquid in that test tube, balanced precariously above a flaming Bunsen burner? For some people, to brew a cup of coffee in their kitchen is just the same. They really have fun, and the more scientific it is the better. Imagine the mixing, the stirring, the whirring and the measuring. Most machines have varied sizes. Some sits on top of your oven, whilst others are nothing more than a small pot with a lid and handle.
The most important part of the process by far is the stirring. It prevents the beans from burning and keeps the steamy hot air moving around. The handle has a special crank inside that lets your machine do the stirring. It is imperative to find a machine that shows the temperature on the lid. Without the right temperature, roasting cannot be successfully achieved. However, if you are just like me, the fully automated...