Choices For Buying, Cooking And Enjoying Fish

| Total Words: 805

Wild Salmon

There are six species of Pacific salmon – chum, coho, king (chinook), pink, sockeye and steelhead – and all are wild. Wild West coast salmon are harvested commercially in Washington, Oregon, Alaska and much of Canada. Smoked wild salmon is a delicious seafood item. The delicacy is simple to prepare and lends itself to a wide variety of dishes.

Salmon is high in Omega-3 fatty acids which is well known as having health benefits. Studies have shown that smoked salmon has a very low level of mercury, unlike some other seafood.The Journal of American Medicine Association recently published a report stating that adding salmon at least once a week to your diet will cut the risk of sudden cardiac death in half.


Tuna is consumed in a variety of ways. Tuna is the most well known and available fish in the USA and many other parts of the world due to it’s popularity as a canned product. Most of us grew up on tuna salad sandwiches and associate that experience with tuna as a meal.

Readers that have been lucky enough to enjoy fresh caught tuna know that there is quite a difference between a canned tuna salad sandwich and a...

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