As you pull up to the pump and fuel your car up with $10-$50 worth of gas, you may find yourself releasing a long drawn out sigh. How did gas get so expensive? Should you check out one of those hybrid cars, you saw on the news? Everyone is talking about hybrid cars anyway. Hybrid cars and other types of cars may seem like a good idea, but before you go out and do something rash, maybe you should ask yourself some questions about how you can begin to save on gas.
There are many options out there that include everything from staying home to purchasing a hybrid car, but you have to find out what’s best for you. You can only do that by asking yourself the following questions.
Should you just drive less?
Sure, you could spend the rest of your life at home on the couch, but how will you eat then? I know, you’re thinking you will walk more and get more exercise. That may be true, but what happens when you get bored with walking and riding your bike? How are you going to be able to get to the gym? And, did you forget about work? You know you love listening to your books on tape while you sit in traffic at the end of the workday. Should you drive less?...