Birth Control Pills And Acne: Clear Mind Or Clear Skin?
Before you read this article, I am duty-bound to tell you that this article is for women only (though I am sure men will be curious to read it)!
To take or not to take birth control pills for controlling acne is a very sensitive topic, if not controversial! Is taking birth control pills to control acne is right for you? How does birth control pill work on acne? Can hormones in the birth control pill stop acne from forming? At least thousands of such mad trains must be rushing the mind of a woman, who is consuming the pills with the twin important purposes! Every pill creates fresh doubts, fears and complications in her thought process. Because research on this subject is still a kindergarten stuff and the fear of side-effects hang prominently in her mind.
Moral aspect of taking birth control pills is in itself a never ending debating topic. If it is intended to control acne, why it should be related to birth control pills? The alliance looks unholy. Is it considered as a cost-saving device? And if the birth control pills were to fail from the original purpose for which they are intended and acne...