Created in the amazonian forest, by a Brazilian monk, a new natural treatment to cure and to prevent cancer, seems to be an interesting alternative in the fight against cancer. The priest affirms, he has obtained real results in several types to cancer : cancer of breast, cancer of uterus, cancer of stomach, cancer of skin, cancer of prostate, etc. The formula is simple, cheap and easy to prepare it in house and even though extensive clinical studies do not exist on this procedure, it seems to be a sensible alternative to try
ALOE Vera –
One of the components of the formula is Aloe Vera (sbila) whose medicinal properties have been investigated for a long time :
It has been proved that Aloe Vera is effective in cancer in animals. In fact, in 1992, the U.S. Department of Agriculture approved the use of Aloe Vera for the treatment of soft tissue cancer in animals as well as feline leukemia. There is strong scientific proof that, in vitro, Aloe Vera suppresses the growing of cancer tumor, stimulates immune system response, raises tumor necrosis levels, and promotes healthy tissue.
Aloe Vera helps to lower the damage done to the body by...