Bounce Back From The Wintertime Blahs With A Three-Day Cleansing Diet
Wintertime leaves a lot of us feeling blah and washed out. Our skin gets dry and pale, our eyes can seem dull and lifeless and lets not even get started with the foods we eat. Thanksgiving dinner, Christmas parties and New Years Eve all came with plenty of rich, decadent dishes and calorie-laden cocktails. Its no wonder that by the time spring arrives, we could really use a pick-me-up.
And those are just a few of the things a quick cleanse can remedy. Have you been plagued by chronic constipation, allergies, sinusitis, or any other chronic aches and pains? If youre tired of relying on over-the-counter medications to make it through day to day life, there might just be an unexpected culprit blockage(s) in your bodys elimination system.
Basically, what this means is that you might be suffering from mucus and other wastes building up in your bodys major routes of elimination:
Your lungs
Your pores
Your kidneys, and
Your bowels.
Getting rid of this waste build-up will better allow your body to get the most out of your regular diet a bit like the...