Computer dating services have been around for decades, even before the Internet came along. Years ago, these electronic matchmakers used extensive profiles compiled in a dating company’s offices. Some included additional features liked videotaped messages or interviews that were shared with interested singles who turned out to be a match.
Looking back, these computer dating services were considered cutting edge technology. Imagine what it seemed like back in the pre-Web days: you filled out a questionnaire and those answers were fed into a computer, which churned away and finally, after much computing time, spit out a list of potential singles who were the best match for you.
It all seemed so mysterious and technical. In fact, most of those computer dating services more than likely used a very simple matching formula. The “computer” behind the matching was the “hook” or the “draw” that brought paying customers through the door. These days, with the average person being exposed to so much more technology, with computers in basically every single household and high-speed internet connections being the norm, these old-style...