Everybody gets the blues once in a while. Its normal to feel sad on a rainy day, get sentimental over a lost love, or feel so terribly lonely during really low moments of your life.
But once depression gets out of hand, it can wreak havoc on your mental state and drive you to such emotional lows – to the point that you might seriously choose ending your life. So if you think youre experiencing extreme emotional lows, then youd better do something about it.
What are the signs of depression?
1. Feeling sad without any apparent reason.
2. Getting mad at anything, everything, anyone, and everyone around you.
3. Thinking that your life is getting nowhere.
4. Feeling that whatever you do is not enough.
5. Feeling that youre not good enough for anything.
6. Always feeling tired.
7. Feeling that there is no more hope for whatever troubles you.
8. Feeling that you dont deserve to live in this world anymore.
These are some of the most common symptoms of depression. Recognizing these telltale signs can help lead you to take action before it becomes more serious. Knowing the root cause of these symptoms...