Mesothelioma research refers to the studies for discovering new facts or information about mesothelioma cancers. Mesothelioma is a life threatening cancerous disease. It affects the lining of abdominal organs and lungs. Only known reason of this disease is exposure to asbestos particles. Diagnosis of mesothelioma is a difficult process. This is mainly because asbestos particles may lie dormant in the body for up to 50 years before appearance of symptoms. Average survival time of mesothelioma patients is 1-2 years. Mesothelioma research is important considering the increasing number of mesothelioma patients every year.
Key Points of Mesothelioma Research
Most of the mesothelioma research going on today is focused towards the effects of asbestos particles on human cells. Scientists undertaking mesothelioma research are studying the process through which asbestos corrupts the healthy cells of the body. Ongoing research about mesothelioma provides a ray of hope that sometime in the future it may become possible to prevent the damaging effects of asbestos particles on human cells.
During the course of mesothelioma research, experts are also performing clinical...