Its starting to get cold outside. I have noticed recently that very few people in the last few years have done anything to prevent those little colds that you always come down with at the beginning of the chilly season. Why is that? I remember being a youngster… wanting to go outside and play in the snow even though i had the sniffles. Mom wouldn’t let me. “Your going to get sick!” she would holler. So i wasn’t ever sick!
Nowadays, no one is really concerned with PREVENTING sickness. We all believe that there is enough medicine out there to cure whatever it is we come down with. Well, that’s mostly true. In fact, a good friend of mine came down with Winter Vomiting Disease last year. It sounds like a scary illness, and we all feared for him, until we read up on it and realized that it goes away in 24-36 hours. You just vomit alot and have diarrhea. Not so bad.
But why do we let things get that far every year? Granted there is usually a cure, but we continue to suffer through the times when we DO have a virus. Is it that we enjoy it? Ya right! I think it’s more like we forget how much it sucks, because it was a year ago....