When it comes to our bodies, we all have one place or another that we are somewhat unsatisfied with. You always here people say things like I hate my thighs or my butt is too big. Of course some of these things are said in jest, but there is still discontent hidden in there.
Despite it all though, the one thing that has become almost an obsession today is the way our abs look. It seems that everyone is looking for those ever elusive six pack abs, but much like Ponce De Leons search for the fountain of youth, it seems like it is impossible to find.
Now, while there is no magical formula for attaining a flat, firm, and toned stomach, there is something you can do that if done regularly, will get you the results that you are looking for. To get these results, stomach crunches need to be done daily but keep in mind that stomach exercises alone will not burn the fat off of your midsection.
Keeping your calories in check along with doing your crunches everyday will be the way for you to see that flat, chiseled, sexy stomach. Crunches are easy to do, and if done properly, are very effective for toning those abs. Here is a step by step breakdown of the proper way...