They are many reasons why people prefer to workout on a elliptical trainer more than they would on a treadmill. Along with keeping the body in shape and toning up the muscles, they are low impact cardio vascular workout machines. This means that they go easy on the joints of the legs and the knees. Especially helpful for those who are in the sixties and seventies, or those who have a had a leg or a knee injury. They also provide a variety of resistance levels, incline levels and programs for the beginner as well as the advanced.
Thus treadmills and fitness rowers are high impact cardio vascular machines. This means that it puts pressure on the knees as well as on the lower part of the legs. Not recommended for those with knee and foot injuries as well as the older people. It’s a very safe machine to use unlike a treadmill machine, where you might fall off if the speed is increased suddenly. Thus it provides a complete workout and the more expensive elliptical exercise trainer come with many additional features. The more expensive versions of the elliptical trainers are meant for gym use and those who are into the advanced state of exercising.