There is a general consensus in magazine ratings of treadmills that Horizon treadmills offer a great fitness package for exercisers at any level. With a range of great workout features, including a specially cushioned running belt and easy to use interactive controls to help you get the most out of your workout, consumer reports of treadmills almost uniformly rate Horizon treadmills in a positive way. There is however one exception, something that throws a spanner in the consumer reports: treadmills are only as good as the customer service that supports them, and magazine ratings of treadmills report that this is where Horizon treadmills fall short.
While the magazine ratings of treadmills produced by fitness equipment experts might not be concerned with the customer service offered by a treadmill manufacturing company, the same is certainly not true of consumer reports. Treadmills are, like any other electronic device you might buy for your home, subject to faults, and while Horizon treadmills, for the most part, offer a reliable product and might not display many of these flaws, they are sometimes susceptible to them. While Horizon treadmills might provide a great...