The Advantages of Minimal-Repair Technique in the Treatment for Hernia
Modern medicine has known a rapid progress in the last decades and many traditional forms of treatment have been replaced by new, improved medical techniques. While in the past open surgery was the only option available for most patients diagnosed with hernia, nowadays the surgical treatment for hernia is a lot simpler and involves fewer risks. Thanks to the modern medical equipment available these days, the surgical treatment for hernia is safer and involves a shorter period of post-operative hospitalization.
Until recently, open surgery was a very common form of medical treatment for hernia. This type of surgery involves wide abdominal incisions, exposing the patients to a high risk of developing complications (internal bleeding, post-operative infections). In addition, patients who suffer traditional surgery recover slowly and require up to a few weeks of hospitalization. From an esthetical point of view, traditional surgery also leaves patients with pronounced, slow-healing abdominal scars. Due to these undesirable effects of open surgery, most medical professionals have recently replaced...