Bacterial Vaginitis is an inflammation of the vagina which is caused by excessive growth of the bacteria called Gardnerella vaginitis, already present in the vagina. Gardnerella vaginitis is not solely responsible for this problem. When these different species of bacteria are imbalanced the vaginal discharge gives out a foul odor. Excess discharge and foul odor are the most common symptoms of this disease.
Even though the exact cause is unknown this disease mainly spreads through sexual intercourse, douching, use of intrauterine birth control device (IUD). It is one of the most common types of vaginal infection found in women. Even though there are quick remedies and medicines for this disease, if not treated on time it can be very dangerous. It may cause pelvic inflammatory disease (PID), endometritis, cervcitis, pregnancy complication and post-operative infection.
Home Remedies for Bacterial Vaginitis
A good hygiene becomes very important if you want to stay away from bacterial vaginitis.
Wear clean and properly washed underwear because the detergent residue may just cause an itching problem.
Always wipe from front to back whenever you...