Nails have no colour and are transparent. Because of the abundance of blood vessels under the skin, nails appear pink when healthy. The tissue of the nail is called the matrix and the white half-moon (lunula) is at the top of this. Below the matrix is the nail bed, where the nail attaches to the finger. The cuticle, which is the skin that grows over the nail bed, grows towards the tip of the nail and forms a watertight seal protecting the matrix. The cuticle should never be cut away as this increases the chance of getting a nail infection.
Massaging your cuticles with oils, which include primrose, camellia or almond, can soften the skin, which helps when pushing back the cuticle when manicuring your nails. Rosehip oil is another good oil that can be used, this oil contains prostaglandin, which strengthens the nail cells and increases circulation it can also stimulate growth. The fatty acids it contains will replenish moisture and the vitamin C content helps to fend off germs.
Nail Problems
Brittle, discoloured nails, or nails with lines may be symptoms of changes within the body. Thyroid, kidney or problems with circulation could be the cause of...