Most people don’t think about what foods are good for keeping their liver strong. But, if you have been discovering and using a diet that is good for your overall health, then, most likely you are helping your liver.
So here again is a list of healthy eating that will result in a strong useful liver.
Oils – use mostly olive oil for your food preparation. This oil can be heated to a relative medium level without causing free radicals. Use flax seed oil or fish oil every day.
Avoid margarine or any other artificial butter since their processing creates chemicals the liver cannot recognize as food. Use Ghee, which doesn’t require refrigeration, or raw butter,
Sunflower, safflower, and other seed oils should be kept in the refrigerator to keep them from becoming rancid.
When you eat too much fat, the fat accumulates in the liver. The liver is responsible for breaking down the fat and using it for energy. Accumulated fat in the liver can become rancid producing free radicals that damage liver cells.
Food – try to buy and eat good organic food. Food that has been sprayed with pesticides is difficult to clean...