A mineral is a kind of micronutrient that is essential for good health. All minerals are inorganic substances absorbed from the earth by plants and cannot be produced by plants or animals.
The body utilizes over eighty of these chemicals. They are vital for the growth and production of bones, nails, hair, teeth, nerves, blood, vitamins, hormones and enzymes. In addition, they contribute to the healthy functioning of blood circulation, fluid regulation, nerve transmission, cellular integrity, muscle contraction and energy production.
Because the earths soil is now so nutrient depleted, even people who eat the healthiest foods often do not consume the required levels of minerals. This results in many kinds of illnesses, including energy loss, premature aging and degenerative diseases such as heart problems, bone disease and cancer.
Consequently, many people choose to take a supplement, which can provide some of the missing minerals. The risk of mineral deficiency can also be minimized through the consumption of a balanced diet that is rich in fruits and vegetables. Good sources of minerals other than fruits and vegetables include meats, nuts, beans and dairy...