Colloidal Minerals: Trace Minerals Lost From Our Diet, Found In Ancient Plants
Colloidal Minerals lost from our farming lands leave our crops devoid of essiential minerals required for good health. Now that we know the minerals are not in our food, where do we look to supplement our body needs? A look into plants millions of years old reveals a source available today…
Living a healthy life is a major challenge in our lives today. In spite of all the hype about a healthy diet, exercise and numerous supplements, good health in the true sense of the word still remains a cause of concern for all of us. All attempts to rid our bodies of diseases result either in partial success or in some other side effects. Every time the concept of a healthy mind in a healthy body evades us. To understand why this happens we must have an idea of what constitutes the human body and how it functions.
Colloidal mineral is trace mineral suspended in a liquid.
The human system requires various nutrients and micro-nutrients to function in an optimal manner. Some of these micro-nutrients are trace minerals, which are vital to the proper functioning of the body. Colloidal...