Camellia Sinensis or Green Tea is rich in Catechins, which are antioxidants. The best variety is said to originate from tea farms in China, especially those protected from pesticides. It is best to drink pure green tea without preservatives or other artificial flavors.
Teas have been found to have powerful effects on levels of cholesterol in the blood stream and on your health in general. Green tea in particular can also help in battling cancer. In Japan, it was discovered that drinking 10 or more cups of green tea daily delays the onset of cancer by some nine years among women and about three years in men.
Another source of good green tea is the high-grade tea sold at Japanese Tea Online. These are delicious teas and contain large amounts of polyphenols and flavoniods (catechins which are also immune system boosters), and natural vitamins and minerals. Catechins destroy free radicals. Green tea also has carotenoids, chlorophyll, polysaccharides natural vitamins C and E, manganese, potassium, and zinc, all essential to your health. Pure green tea is said to be 100 times more effective than vitamin C from other sources, and 25 times better than vitamin E from...