Reduce Weight And Lose Body Fat Forever 10 Commandments
Want to know how to reduce weight fast and lose that weight forever? Here are the Ten Commandments you need to do to reduce weight and keep body fat away permanently.
1) Cardio Exercises Do your cardio exercises frequently. These can be any exercises that work up your heart rate to the extent that you are huffing and puffing for at least 20 30 minutes. Do your cardio exercises 5-6 times a week if you want to reduce weight or 2-3 times a week for weight maintenance.
2) Build Muscles Muscles burn calories even when you are not doing anything but resting. The more muscle mass you have the more calories you will burn a day and in the course of over a period of time, the calories you burnt will add up very substantially. Building muscle mass is one sure way of losing body fat forever.
3) Eat Carbs Early Take your meals with carbs earlier in the day and cut down on carbs on later meals. This is to prevent unused carbs from turning into body fat when you sleep and to regulate insulin level.
4) Dont be too afraid of fats The fats in your diet that are bad for you are saturated and trans...