The Flavor Point Diet is premised on creation of meals, whose flavors help your appetite center recognize this point sooner so you do not over eat and gain weight.
How does this work? This works based on a well-known scientific fact, that the Flavor Point, it is a phase in your eating experience where the appetite center (hypothalamus) in your brain recognizes the fact that your appetite has been satisfied.
The Flavor Point diet is arranged around flavor themes. This means, each day has a set of meals based on a specific flavor. You could get apple flavored meals on Monday, oregano on Tuesday, or blueberries on Wednesday, etc. Better yet, you do not feel deprived of food or nutrients at any time.
David L. Katz M.D. a renowned authority on nutrition and weight controls, working at the Prevention Research Center and the Rudd Food Center for Food Policy & Obesity at Yale University, is the writer/creator of this diet.
He conceived of this diet program and tested the recipes by conducting a pilot study of 20 women, men, and their families for over 12 weeks at the Yale-Griffin Prevention Research Center.
At the conclusion of the research...