The custom of tanning ones skin has received a lot of publicity in the recent times. Because of its alleged link with cancer, tanning and its effects has become a major subject of debate among scientists, beauticians and even the women who would like to know all the facts about it before deciding on whether to go tanning or not.
Though it is commonly believed that tanning invariably leads to skin cancer, recent studies have shown that tanning may be a protective device against certain types of cancers. The risk of colon and breast cancer is reduced by exposure to tanning conditions as the sun retards the growth of cancerous cells that cause these conditions. By retarding its growth, cancer rates come down. This is proven by the fact that cancer of the breast and colon is more common in countries that are sun deprived.
Establishing the benefits of exposure to the sun from tanning is a scientific fact. One can also counter the belief that tanning should be stopped because it is one of the causes of skin cancer. Tanning need not be stopped altogether because of this risk. After all it is a known fact that deaths from melanoma, the variety of skin cancer that is the...