Yoga, and the benefit of yoga, is generically defined as a Hindu discipline that helps unite the body and mind. Aimed at achieving a state of perfect spiritual insight and tranquility, it is practiced in the West most commonly as physical exercise practiced as part of the discipline.
The benefit of yoga practice is nothing new. It has been recognized for many years as the perfect discipline to help one achieve tranquility, better health, and longer life.
Many people view the benefit of yoga as some weird discipline that involves yogi’s contorted in unnatural positions, doing strange acts of the body, and living on a mountaintop somewhere in India. I personally remember a television documentary many years ago featuring a yogi that had his tongue split, using it to clean his sinus cavities! Anyone interested in yoga has probably also seen images of yogi’s supporting great weight with their genitals.
In this modern age, much has been learned about the benefit of yoga. Yoga practitioners achieve greater mobility, longer life, and internal happiness through their practice of the art. Yoga as we know it today is aimed at uniting the mind,...