Glyconutrients are part of the carbohydrate family. They are a collection of 8 saccharides. These are important factors in the bodys ability to fight infections and heal itself.
There are 8 necessary saccharides needed by our bodies
Fucose (not fructose)
N-acetylneuramic acid
These elements form the building blocks for glycoforms. Which serve as coverings for the bodys cells. Each has specific benefits for your health.
Mannose: is the main saccharide and the others are attached to it. Mannose plays a major role in building cells, and cell interaction. Other benefits include helping the body heal itself and improving the immune system. Mannose is a major factor in manufacturing cytokines. Cytokines are used by the bodys immune system to fight infections. The Mannose phytochemical can be found in the Aloe Vera plants inner leaf gel.
Glucose: is the most commonly known of the group. Table sugar is made up of this and other saccharides. Glucose is found in sugar products such as candy bars cake and ice cream. Elements are...