Youve probably been hearing about core exercises and Pilates for quite a while and are probably doing it once to thrice a week, youve probably used different DVDs, different styles techniques and different equipment just to get that great body that everybody is drooling about. Hearing of all this, youve probably heard of the Ever present Pilates Ring, the non bulky, and cheaper alternative to all of those bulky machines.
The Pilates ring of course, as its name says, is used in the practice of Pilates, specifically for Winsor Pilates. Winsor Pilates makes use of low intensity workouts that work on the core of the body. By core it means the muscles in the abdomen, back and pelvis. As these are low intensity, these can be done even by those who are of weak health status. But just because it is low intensity doesnt mean itll take a long time for results, or wont have results, in fact Winsor Pilates promise results in a month, when it is used three days a week. Wisnor Pilates is distributed on DVDs.
A Pilates ring however, aside from being used to tone the buttocks and the abdominal and pelvic muscles can also be used to specifically target muscles in the leg, pecs,...