Pain is a subject that touches everyone. After all, it is a human condition from which we all suffer at one time or another. There are headaches, dental procedures, sports injuries, broken bones, soft-tissue injuries, and psychosomatic pain.
Research shows that 75% to 80% of all adults will experience lower back pain at some time in their lives. Approximately 40 million Americans suffer from arthritis pain and as many as 45 million suffer from chronic, recurring headaches. There are thousands of people every year who suffer the agony of surgical interventions and thousands more who endure the pain of debilitating or terminal illnesses.
All of this pain falls into two basic categories: (1) acute pain, which is of short duration and (2) chronic pain, which continues for weeks, months or years.
Most people respond to pain – whether acute or chronic – by taking drugs of some kind. But drugs are often a temporary solution.
What few people realize is that the ancient art of hypnosis offers a safe, effective alternative for reducing sensitivity to pain.
Hypnosis has been shown effective in the management of various types of pain....