Benefits Of Music – Use The Title Actually ‘Intelligence, Healing, And Pure Joy: Music Offers all.
Music has been a part of existence since time immemorial. And, it is everywhere in the rhythms of nature, the chatter of animals and birds, the babbling of babies, and in the dancing of brooks. Listen and you will hear sweet tunes all weaving a magic of their own.
It is well known that the origins of music go back at least 50,000 years. Music seems to be ingrained in our genetics and tunes are rhythms that are integral to our lives.
Music seems to play many roles in our lives:
-> Research indicates the children who learn music are more likely to become doctors, engineers, and computer professionals. Music learning develops areas of the brain responsible for language as well as reasoning. Music is known to sharpen memory. A Rockefeller Foundation study reveals that those who studied music have SAT scores of 427.
-> If a child in the womb of its mother listens to music it is born with highly developed intelligence.
-> Music molds peopleit teaches coordination, teamwork, discipline, and self-expression.
-> The...