Cracked By Crack: The Side Effects of Cocaine Withdrawal and Abuse
Pure cocaine, along with the so-called poor man’s cocaine known as crack, is among the most widely abused substances in the world today. The pure cocaine in powder form is usually mistaken as fine sugar or baking soda. The street variant called crack is diluted and mixed with baking soda, allowing the street pushers to reap more profits. People who become addicted to both cocaine and crack are considered to be among the worst addicts that can be found in a rehab clinic mainly because of the intense physical and mental health damage that prolonged use can lead to. There is an extensive list of negative effects associated with long-term use of crack. Withdrawal from crack addiction is also very difficult in physiological and psychological terms.
Nasal passages, which are the primary pathways by which cocaine gets into an addict’s body, can also suffer severe damage due to prolonged abuse. However, the damage tends to manifest only after the drug has been removed and withdrawal has occurred. Among the possible side effects of the damage are runny noses, nasal congestion, and nose...