Physical activity, particularly sports or exercise, has always been just short of being glorified by a society obsessed with glory and achievement. From the accomplishments of athletes who competed in the ancient Greek Olympics to the obsession with physical perfection and conformity of ancient Sparta, achieving peak physical form has been the focus and aspiration of people throughout the centuries.
With health being such a major concern today and physical exertion being so important to staying in top physical form, it is now wonder that many people active in sports have put a lot of stress on their muscles.
Urban populations, particularly those that occupy the corporate world, are filled with weekend warriors and aspiring athletes. This phenomenon is not so much due to a high regard for sports or fitness. Engaging in physical activities has become a way for corporate-types and yuppies to relieve stress and get rid of all the angst and frustrations accumulated over the five-day work week.
Many weekend sports enthusiasts engage in different sporting events from tennis to badminton, to running and doing laps on the pool, to something as hard core as...